Decreased OSHA Reportable Incidents Guide: A Comprehensive Resource for Building a Safety Culture


Welcome to our Decreased OSHA Reportable Incidents Guide!

In today’s world, creating a safe and healthy work environment is essential to business success. A workplace with a robust safety culture will protect your employees and help you avoid costly OSHA reportable incidents.

Our guide is designed to help you achieve these goals by providing actionable advice on building an effective safety and health training program. We offer insights on everything from employee engagement to PPE policies, and we’re confident that our recommendations will help you decrease OSHA reportable incidents while enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll find inside the guide:

  • Why OSHA reportable incidents matter and how they impact your business
  • The role of safety training in developing a safety culture and how to make it work
  • How to use safety training to build a strong safety culture in your company
  • The benefits of integrity testing for hiring employees and maintaining a safe work environment
  • The ideal safety training frequency and cadence
  • And much more!

By reading our guide, you’ll gain access to insider knowledge on how to reduce OSHA reportable incidents and create a safer, more productive work environment. We’re confident that you’ll find our guide to be a valuable resource for building a strong safety culture in your company.

So why wait? read our Decreased OSHA Reportable Incidents Guide today and start creating a safer, healthier work environment for your employees!


Decreased OSHA Reportable Incidents: A Guide to Creating a Winning Safety and Health Training Program

In order to comply with OSHA standards, it is essential to report qualifying injury and illness incidents annually. This data provides OSHA with important insights regarding the state of workplace safety in private industry. However, OSHA reportable incidents can impact your insurance costs, ability to obtain lucrative contracts, and even your company’s reputation. Decreasing OSHA reportable incidents is critical to creating a safe work environment and building a strong safety culture in your company.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Current OSHA Reportable Incident Rate

Before you start developing your safety and health program, it is important to evaluate your current OSHA reportable incident rate and compare it to the industry average. Access industry-specific data on OSHA’s website to identify the biggest pain points in your company and tailor your training and compliance program accordingly.

Step 2: Implement Safety Training Programs

Safety training programs are a great way to decrease OSHA reportable incidents and build a strong safety culture in your company. Studies have shown that safety training will enhance workplace culture and decrease days-away-from-work incidents. Providing staff with quality training materials and administering compliance training can help you prevent reportable incidents.

Step 3: Hire Trainable Staff

Toxic employees are unlikely to be receptive to safety training programs, no matter how well they are designed. Integrity testing can reveal which candidates are risky hires and which are a good fit for the type of safety culture you want to create. Hiring candidates with integrity, honesty, and communication skills will help you create a safe and healthful workplace.

Step 4: Create a Reporting Process

Establish a reporting process that makes workers feel comfortable voicing any issues they observe. Encouraging employees to report any safety concerns they observe will help you proactively prevent workplace incidents.

Step 5: Provide Easy Access to Training Materials

Training materials must be digestible and easy to access. Offering online training resources can make training materials more accessible to your employees. Online courses enable employees to work at their own pace and review training materials when they need to brush up on a particular topic.

Step 6: Provide Safety Equipment

Providing appropriate safety equipment is critical to preventing workplace accidents. Policies governing the use of PPE should be put in place to increase compliance and protect your business from liability.

Step 7: Encourage Participation

Maximizing employee participation will lay the foundation for a successful safety and health training program. Relaying OSHA standards that apply to your industry and establishing a reporting process will encourage employee participation.

Step 8: Empower Your Staff

Empowering your staff is vital to building a strong workplace safety culture. Highlight your commitment to safety training in the candidate screening process, during onboarding, and on a continuing basis thereafter. When your employees know that the company is serious about safety, they will be too.


Creating a winning safety and health training program requires a combination of safety training and modern hiring practices. With the right tools and resources, you can prevent a poor safety culture from taking hold in your business by identifying candidates who will contribute to workplace safety at your business. With these tools, you can work at your own pace to create a safe and healthful workplace.

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